
In 1938, Orson Welles starred in the radio broadcast of “The War of the Worlds.” It sparked a panic, as the program’s newsy style led listeners to believe that real Martians had landed in Grover’s Mill, a hamlet in West Windsor, New Jersey just outside of Princeton. Now, the community celebrates the anniversary every year. We visit the Martian-themed Grover’s Mill Coffeehouse, and find out about the mARTian Project, an arts event coordinated by the West Windsor Arts Council. 2018 was the 80th anniversary of the “most important event that never happened,” and the kick-off of a multi-year project commissioning artists to create Martian-themed public sculpture. We meet Eric Schultz, a found object artist who has created the first sci-fi sculpture for the event.

Produced by Susan Wallner; narrated by Dan Gordon; videography by Joe Conlon.